Opportunities to Serve

There are a variety of ways to get involved

in serving at Christ Community Church.

Please check the weekly bulletin

for upcoming opportunities.

Below are a few ongoing opportunities.


Parent's Night Out

PNO is an Outreach provided for our community where children will enjoy an evening of fun activities, games and crafts while their parents get a night to enjoy on their own.  We are always looking for volunteers.  All volunteers must be screened and agree to a background check.


Putnam Center Nursing Home Ministry

 Volunteers are needed to facilitate a church service and minister to the residents at the Putnam Center Nursing Home every 1st Sunday of the month.


Nursery Volunteers

Volunteers are needed to serve on a rotating basis during our Sunday Celebration and Wednesday Family Nights.  All volunteers must be screened and agree to a background check.  If you would like to help, please email us.


Wednesday Family Night Meal Prep

Volunteers are needed to prepare a meal for the church body on Wednesday evenings.  The cost of the food will be reimbursed by the church if you so desire.  If you would like to help, please email us.


First Impressions Hospitality Team

Smiling faces are needed to greet, open doors an assist new visitors.  If you can help, please email us.


Church Lawn Care

We are looking for volunteers to help mow the church lawn on a rotating basis.  If you can help, please call the church office at (304) 757-4604 or add your name to the schedule located on the table in the back of the sanctuary.


Church Building Repair & Upkeep

We are looking for volunteers to form a team to assist our trustee for various repair and upkeep projects.  If you would like to help, please call the church office at (304) 757-4604.


Worship Team

We are looking for volunteers who are skilled musicians and singers to be guardians of God's glory.  All volunteers must be humble by not desiring for themselves to be celebrated, have a heart for prayer, live a holy life and actively engage in worshipping God with their music in private as well as in public.



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