
“Under the authority of Jesus Christ and the Word of God, the membership of this church is the final authority within this local church. This authority will be normally exercised through the Board of Elders (Male) with the administrative assistance of the Deacons (Male & Female) all of whom will be chosen by the congregation......The Board of Elders shall consist of the Pastor(s) who are Staff Elders and at least five (5) or as many Lay Elders as needed who meet the spiritual qualifications of I Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9 and I Peter 5:1-4.”      CCC Constitution


Our Current Leaders

Staff Elders:

Lead Pastor - Michael H.          Email Michael H.

Pastor Michael graduated from the Moody Bible Institute with a degree in Evangelism and Discipleship. Already having served in two previous churches, Pastor Michael was called to Christ Community Church in October of 2009.  He enjoys serving the Lord with His wife Tanya who holds her degree in Counseling and is actively involved in leading Precept Bible Studies.  Pastor Michael is passionate about preaching and teaching God's Word and helping God's church become healthy through strong discipleship and prayer.  He has a strong vision for God's Church to model itself as closely to the New Testemant pattern of a healthy Church as possible! Pastor Michael values the Servant/Shepherd model of leadership.  He has a strong conviction to lead services where Jesus Christ alone is worshipped, God's Word is unashamedly proclaimed and God's people have freedom in the Holy Spirit to participate.  In his spare time, Michael enjoys being on his tractor, playing the piano, hiking and traveling with his wife Tanya.


Children's Pastor - Michael G.     Email Michael G.

Pastor Michael (Mykhailo) was called to serve as the Children's Pastor of Christ Community Church in October Of 2015.  He enjoys serving the Lord with his wife Tanya (Tetiana) who helps him with various children's ministries at CCC.  Previously, Michael was involved in children's camps and ministries all over the Ukraine.  He is passionate about outreach to the children in our community.  On the side, Michael has a flourishing Handy-Man business.  In his spare time he enjoys maintaining his home and kayaking together with his wife Tanya.





Administrative Staff:

Secretary - Kristin O.     Email Kristin O.

Kristen enjoys serving the Lord with her musical family.  She loves spending time with her husband and investing in her children through home-schooling and other daily activities.





Lay Elders:

Gary H.  

Keith H.

Bruce M. 

David O.

Gordon S.



Treasurer - Bryan H.

Trustee - Eric W.

Director of Ushers & Greeters - Norma S.

Director Of Missions & Outreach - Wendy H.

General - Jack R.


Worship Leader:

Gary H.

Understanding Biblical Leadership Roles & Functions

God has clearly established through His Word the roles and functions of church officers.  A church officer may be defined as, “…someone who has been publicly recognized as having the right and responsibility to perform certain functions for the benefit of the whole church” (Wayne Grudem 905).  Everyone in the church has gifts to exercise and function in, but they do not need the formal, public recognition in order for their gifts to function as the church officers do.  The New Testament pattern has shown us two kinds of officers that need to be formally and publicly recognized by the congregation: Elders & Deacons.

Click the following links for more information:

Elders (Consists of males including the Pastor who is the main teaching Elder)

Deacons (Consists of males and females)


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