Welcome to Christ Community Church!

Thank you for taking time to learn more about us!

We meet at 733 Rocky Step Road in Scott Depot, WV.

Check our Home Page for a link to this week's bulletin to keep informed about our upcoming activities.  Just scroll down and click on the This Week's Bulletin purple circle!

CCC is first and foremost about the Cross of Jesus Christ and the glory of God.  All that we have, we have freely received from God the Father because of His Son's sacrificial death on the cross in our place for our sins.  God's grace overwhelms us and amazes us!

Secondly, CCC is about people who have experienced the forgiveness of sins, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the joy of involvement in a local church.  CCC is not about our own human goodness and achievement but about the goodness that comes to us from Jesus Christ Himself.  We are about people being reconciled to God and joined to one another through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross!  We desire to be a community of transformation for the glory of God!

If we can answer any questions or help you in any way, please contact us.




Visit Once As A Guest & Leave As Family!

Here are some helpful pieces of information when you visit our church:

  • Welcome packets with information about our church and activities are available. We invite you to fill out the visitor's card in the packet and drop it in one of the offering boxes located in the back of the sanctuary.
  • A Nursery Ministry is provided during the whole service for infants an toddlers.
  • Right before the message, Preschool through 5th grade students will be dismissed for Children's Church.
  • Large print Bibles are available for use during the service. You can find them on the shelf at the back of the sanctuary.
  • As a visitor, please do not feel any pressure to give to any of our ministries. If you choose to give, offering boxes are located in the back of the sanctuary behind the last row of seats.

Main Gatherings


9:45am Prayer
10:15am Breakfast
10:45am Worship



6:30-7:00pm Dinner
7:00-8:00pm Bible Studies
Children's Ministry
Middle & High School Teens
Adult Bible Study




Recent Sermons