Sunday Celebration
This celebration provides an opportunity to express public worship to God through Scripture reading, singing, sharing and praying and celebrate what God has done in our lives during the previous week. You will also hear a message from God’s Word that is practical and relevant for today! Part way through the service K-5th grade will be dismissed for Children’s Church. Also, during the whole service a nursery is provided for infants and toddlers.
What typically happens at our Sunday Celebration?
Before our Celebration snacks and coffee are provided in the fellowship hall from 10:15-10:40am.
During our Celebration we share announcements, give our financial offerings to the Lord as an act of worship, share any joys and concerns with one another (including prayer requests, events happening in our lives, things that God has laid on our hearts to share from our personal time spent with God in prayer and reading His Word during the previous week), pray to the LORD, sing to the LORD, and listen to God’s Word being taught.